College Auditions: Kat Schober

For this series we have asked for­mer campers to share some­thing about their expe­ri­ences audi­tion­ing for schools. If you have a sto­ry you’d like to share, .

I audi­tioned in Chicago and the city was a per­fect atmos­phere for what was to come. Every moment was tak­en in and cher­ished, as it should have been. I wish I had done so with the actu­al audi­tions though, it all went by so fast. Another thing to keep in mind is focus­ing your ener­gy cor­rect­ly. I was in a new and excit­ing place, doing new and excit­ing things and that gave me a feel­ing like no oth­er; chan­nel­ing that feel­ing in to your audi­tions is some­thing I would strong­ly sug­gest.
I felt very good about my prepa­ra­tion for the actu­al audi­tions and my only mishaps stemmed from ner­vous­ness and lack of con­fi­dence. The one regret I have is not audi­tion­ing for more schools and no doing a sin­gle walk-in audi­tion.
Overall, audi­tion­ing at Unifieds was a great deci­sion and a great mark­er to have in my life and refer back to when nec­es­sary to remind myself why I do this in the first place.
–Kat Schober
(pho­to cour­tesy of Kat’s Facebook pro­file)