CAP Fall/Winter

CAP Fall/​Winter Program
September 2021 — February 2022

  • Juniors and Seniors
  • Virtual Program 
  • Group Classes Twice a Month
  • Weekly Individual Sessions
Register NOW!

*Interested more pri­vate lessons? When you sign up for CAP you can add on a pack­age of 10 addi­tion­al one hour pri­vate lessons for $50 off!


The College Audition Program (CAP) offers high school stu­dents rig­or­ous prepa­ra­tion for the col­lege audi­tion process. Participants will receive a vari­ety of spe­cial­ly cho­sen and per­son­al­ized songs and mono­logues as well as indi­vid­ual and group coach­ing that focus­es on the per­for­ma­tive aspects of audi­tion­ing, includ­ing prepar­ing them for “re-directs” and interviews.

Students may choose to par­tic­i­pate in mock dance audi­tions to pre­pare for var­i­ous dance calls. There is also an oppor­tu­ni­ty (at an addi­tion­al cost) for pri­vate dance lessons and indi­vid­u­al­ized chore­og­ra­phy for pre-screen videos.

Program direc­tors Ginger Morris and Adam Roberts, joined by choreographer/​dance instruc­tor Sara Burke, bring over 40 years of com­bined expe­ri­ence train­ing high school stu­dents for col­lege auditions.

Former stu­dents have attend­ed such pres­ti­gious schools as The Boston Conservatory, Carnegie Mellon, CCM, Elon, Ithaca, Juilliard, Millikin, NYU, OCU, OU, Pace, Rider, Texas State, UT, Webster, and more.


Junior Year

  • Individualized College Audition Repertoire Recommendations
  • One-on-One Coaching Sessions
  • Group Classes (Songs, Monologues, Mock Dance Calls)
  • Junior Year Tuition: $1,350.00

As Juniors, CAP will pro­vide you an oppor­tu­ni­ty to wit­ness what it takes to pre­pare for (an intense) senior year by obser­va­tion of the class ahead of you, there­fore help­ing to cre­ate a less daunt­ing senior year for your­self. Juniors receive indi­vid­u­al­ly-tai­lored ses­sions in voice and act­ing as they explore poten­tial audi­tion mate­r­i­al for the fol­low­ing year. Mock dance calls are includ­ed as well as group class­es to learn act­ing a song, self-tape tips and tricks, how to be your­self in a stress­ful audi­tion sit­u­a­tion, and lots of prac­tice per­form­ing your pieces. 

Senior Year

  • Individualized College Audition Repertoire Selection
  • One-on-One Coaching Sessions
  • Personalized Consultations
  • Group Classes (Songs, Monologues, Mock Dance Calls)
  • Specialized Training for Self-Taping & Virtual Auditions
  • Advanced Direction and Preparation for Pre-Screens 
  • Mock Auditions
  • CAPbaret Performance
  • Senior Year Tuition: $1,650.00

A per­son­al­ized expe­ri­ence includes song and mono­logue selec­tion, coach­ing, and prepa­ra­tion. Students receive pri­vate coach­ing ses­sions to fine-tune their cho­sen audi­tion mono­logues and songs. Specialists in self-tap­ing guide stu­dents towards the pre-screen process. Mock audi­tions and a CAPbaret per­for­mance help Seniors feel con­fi­dent, pre­pared, and excit­ed about col­lege audi­tions. CAP offers guid­ance on many oth­er aspects of the audi­tion process includ­ing: head­shots, resumes, essays, prepar­ing nec­es­sary spread­sheets, and man­ag­ing timelines.

Example Schedule: Link to Schedule for 2020 – 2021 School Year

See What Past Students Have to Say About the Program