Private Lessons

Impact Arts offers one-on-one vir­tu­al coach­ing ses­sions to sup­port your audi­tion needs. Whether you are just start­ing or are a sea­soned pro­fes­sion­al, audi­tions are always part of the process, and we are here to help. 

Choose from the list below. You can mix and match any vari­ety of lessons offered. 

  • 55 minute lessons — $95.00
  • 25 minute lessons — $55.00

You can choose your pre­ferred date and time after you pur­chase your ses­sion. After your pur­chase, an Impact Arts rep­re­sen­ta­tive will con­tact you to coör­di­nate a phone con­sul­ta­tion to match you with a teach­ing artist. 

Coaching ses­sions are avail­able for artists of all ages. Students must reg­is­ter 4 days before the pre­ferred ses­sion time to ensure ample time for our staff to sched­ule the appro­pri­ate teach­ing artist.

All ses­sions are con­duct­ed through Zoom. Use our guide for easy set-up: 

Lessons Offered

Complete Prescreen Package

In this pack­age, we will have an ini­tial zoom call and fig­ure out what you need for your audi­tion. From there, we will help you pick mate­r­i­al, and coach you through it. After that, we will film every­thing and deliv­er you the final video.

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Song/Monologue Selection Consultation

Have a com­plete rep book, or are you start­ing from scratch? Have lots of options but aren’t sure what makes you shine? You’ll work with a coach to ensure you have pieces that show your ver­sa­til­i­ty, match the require­ments, and rep­re­sent you in the best way pos­si­ble. Walk into your next audi­tion room with full con­fi­dence in your selections!

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Song Coaching Vocals

You have your song(s) cho­sen, and you are ready to work on them. Whether it’s extra coach­ing or learn­ing a new song, our team will ensure you are ready for your next audition.

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Song Coaching Acting

You’ve learned the song, and you are ready to take it to the next lev­el. Auditioners are not just there for your vocals; they want to see you con­nect to the pieces. We pro­vide that extra coach­ing to make sure your song is ready for per­for­mance, not recitation! 

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Monologue Coaching Contemporary

Work with an act­ing coach on your con­tem­po­rary mono­logue. You will work to ful­ly embody the char­ac­ter through a vari­ety of exer­cis­es and tech­niques — they will nev­er think you are recit­ing lines again.

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Monologue Coaching Classical

Our clas­si­cal coach­es are trained to help inter­pret clas­si­cal text and make sure you are com­fort­able with the lan­guage, ful­ly con­nect­ed to the char­ac­ter and engaged with the text, and unique­ly approach­ing the material. 

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Vocal Technique Coaching

Work on any song style with a coach who can make sure you are singing health­ily and vocal­ly, show­ing your strongest self. In audi­tion sea­son, you will be singing these songs mul­ti­ple times over the course of sev­er­al days, weeks, and months; we want to be sure you can sus­tain that.

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Dance Coaching

Work with a dance coach on any exist­ing chore­og­ra­phy. Have a dance com­bo that was pro­vid­ed from an audi­tion or school? A dance com­bo you chore­o­graphed? Bring it in. We will work with you to make sure your tech­nique is sol­id and rep­re­sent your best self with the pro­vid­ed choreography. 

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Resume Consultation 

We can help you build a resume (or sev­er­al dif­fer­ent pro­gram types) from scratch or edit yours togeth­er. We will look at con­tent and pre­sen­ta­tion to be sure you shine on paper. 

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*Interview Coaching 

Are you ready for the inter­view por­tion of the audi­tion process? Most peo­ple are not. Work with a coach to prac­tice com­mon­ly asked ques­tions — as well as some curve­balls. Interviews are oppor­tu­ni­ties! Learn how to be your authen­tic self in the room and feel con­fi­dent han­dling any ques­tion that comes your way. 

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*Essay Consultation 

Are you anx­ious­ly writ­ing your col­lege essays, won­der­ing if you are say­ing the right things? Hoping you will stand out among the rest? Wondering what they are real­ly look­ing for? We pro­vide spe­cif­ic feed­back on exist­ing essays, help you get start­ed find­ing your indi­vid­ual voice or walk you through the whole process. 

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*Design/Arts Management Portfolio Consultation 

Do you need help prepar­ing your port­fo­lio, or are you look­ing for some­one to assess what you have already cre­at­ed? We can help you get start­ed, spruce up what you have, or pro­vide feed­back on the fin­ished product.

Register NOW!

*Exclusively for col­lege audi­tion prep

Virtual Coaching Cancellation Policy:  

If stu­dents need to can­cel the sched­uled coach­ing, they must do it 24 hours before their sched­uled time. If a stu­dent can­cels in the 24 hour time peri­od before their coach­ing time, they will not be eli­gi­ble for a refund. If a stu­dent miss­es their sched­uled coach­ing with­out can­cel­ing, they will not be eli­gi­ble for a refund. 

Students must check their inter­net con­nec­tion 30 min­utes before their sched­uled coach­ing. If you run into tech­ni­cal dif­fi­cul­ties, please inform our staff by email­ing us: info@​impactarts.​org.

Some impor­tant things to note:

  • Please have a water bot­tle at hand for the entire coaching
  • Please set up your laptop/​tablet in a qui­et space with space to move around