John Howrey, original member of the TAP team, returns in 2011

John Howrey, original member of the TAP team, returns in 2011

In December of 2002, Clay Nichols asked me if I was inter­est­ed in start­ing a board­ing camp for the arts at St. Stephen’s in the sum­mer of 2003. I was look­ing for a new project and jumped at the idea. I left his office and drove straight over to my friend, John’s house. John had music direct­ed a few shows with me and had just began a new career path as a graph­ic design­er. We had a meet­ing and came up with a plan. After many meet­ings, brochures went out, a staff was hired, plans were made and TAP Camp was born. John start­ed out as TAP Camp’s man­ag­ing direc­tor, graph­ic design­er and musi­cal direc­tor and con­tin­ued that for the first four sum­mers. He moved to Boston, Massachusetts in 2004 to study graph­ic design. John has con­tin­ued to be instru­men­tal in the suc­cess of TAP Camp from afar. As the graph­ic design­er, John has cre­at­ed beau­ti­ful print mate­ri­als every year and helped us with our mar­ket­ing efforts. He spent the bet­ter part of this year mak­ing us a new web­site and con­tin­ues to pro­vide us with beau­ti­ful materials.

When John decid­ed to go into a career as a graph­ic design­er, I wor­ried that the musi­cal artist in him would be lost. But Boston has embraced all of his many tal­ents and allowed him to flour­ish. John has been musi­cal direc­tor for near­ly a dozen musi­cals with Stoneham Theatre Company, where he has also been hired as a direc­tor on a num­ber of pro­duc­tions. He has con­tin­ued teach­ing class­es in pri­vate and group voice and musi­cal the­atre his­to­ry. John has worked as a musi­cal direc­tor for Suffolk University, Arlington Children’s Theatre, Riverside Theatre Works and he is slat­ed to work on a pro­duc­tion of Bat Boy: The Musical for the Metro Stage Company this sum­mer. This year, he was hired as the Musical Director for Sunfish, a new musi­cal, pro­duced at Stoneham Theatre.

I am very excit­ed to have John at TAP Camp this summer…as a musi­cal direc­tor, edu­ca­tor, design­er, musi­cal the­atre geek and gen­er­al artis­tic guru. I look for­ward to col­lab­o­rat­ing with him this sum­mer and I am excit­ed to see the growth of our campers after work­ing with him for three weeks.

-Ginger, TAP Artistic Director