What Parents Say About TAP Junior

What Parents Say About TAP Junior

Texas Arts Project has become the most-looked-for­ward-to event of the Summer in our house. This sum­mer will be the 4th year that our daugh­ter Josie will attend TAP camp. Her love for musi­cal the­ater was cat­a­pult­ed after her first sum­mer at TAP. Her expe­ri­ence there has giv­en her the skills to audi­tion, to mem­o­rize lines, and to per­form on stage, all with con­fi­dence of a pro. She has made life­long friends from all over the United States. Ginger, Kelly, and their team are all pro­fes­sion­als with open hearts and open minds — deter­mined to show­case your child’s tal­ent, what­ev­er it may be.
-Carrie Turlington (Josie’s Mom)

Katie and Stevie had a GREAT time at TAP camp. Many, many thanks to you and to all of your won­der­ful staff and coun­selors, for putting togeth­er such a great week for our kids. They had a ball and we absolute­ly LOVED the show­case. 
‑Lara Gibson (Katie and Stevie’s mom)

I am very impressed with the whole expe­ri­ence. Thank you for such a pro­fes­sion­al, well-run cre­ative expe­ri­ence.
-Kelly Hood (Devon’s Mom)

Kathryn has already been in “you’re a good man Charlie Brown” and also made Fiddler on the Roof – the big win­ter musi­cal at her HS…think only 4 fresh­men made it. She is doing so well thanks to her excel­lent TAP train­ing!