What Is Iron TAP?

What is Iron TAP? A Note From D‑Gal (aka Big Boss)

It’s been call Iron TAP, Super Iron TAP, and maybe this year Super Awesome Iron TAP. Although the name changes the expe­ri­ence is still the same.

Texas Arts Project is a amaz­ing learn­ing expe­ri­ence. You spend a good amount of the day study­ing new tech­niques in Theatre, Film, or Dance. But TAP Camp is not all work and no play. Which is where Iron TAP comes in. A lit­tle com­pe­ti­tion is always healthy and Iron TAP will def­i­nite­ly feed the com­pet­i­tive hunger.

Throughout the three weeks of Camp you will be assigned to a team and have to com­pete in the most out­ra­geous games ever cre­at­ed. Points are award­ed and at the end of camp the team with the most points wins an awe­some Prize…and don’t wor­ry its not just respect.

Here is just a taste of some of the chal­lenges we have done in the past years at TAP Camp…

  • Water Balloon Death Drop- You can just imagine…
  • Capture the Flag (TAP Style)- Add cap­ture the flag with Crazy Counselors and Ice Cold Water Guns!!!
  • SPAM Cookoff- Yup, pret­ty much the most awe­some and dis­gust­ing event.
  • Video Scavenger Hunt- I think last year we had zom­bies, and the matrix in these videos.
  • And of Course…DODGEBALL!!! You haven’t lived unless you’ve played TAP Dodgeball.

All of these chal­lenges and more will be at TAP Camp this year. Will You?