What do Campers Say About Scott Thompson?

Scott Thompson is a phe­nom­e­nal per­son. I have nev­er worked with some­one as ded­i­cat­ed to their craft as he, and I don’t know if I will again because I have a sneak­ing sus­pi­cion that even on Broadway, peo­ple as pas­sion­ate are some­what of an anom­aly. Scott did more for me than just teach me dance moves and block my scenes: he gave me a dri­ve in every area of musi­cal the­atre includ­ing singing and act­ing. Working with Scott was life-chang­ing, and I am ecsta­t­ic to hear that he is com­ing back. I can only hope that more of his tal­ent rubs off on me. He is one of the most skilled, hard­work­ing, and sin­cere peo­ple you will ever meet.
‑Jacob Scott

What I learned the most from Scott Thompson was that you can hon­est­ly push your­self far past your own expec­ta­tions. Before this past sum­mer I had nev­er con­sid­ered myself to be a dancer, but after 3 weeks with Scott, it final­ly did­n’t feel out of place to say that I was one. I was cast as the lead dancer in my school show this year and I know with­out his help, I hon­est­ly would have had no shot at being cast as that. Not only did my danc­ing improve but over­all per­form­ing improved dra­mat­i­cal­ly. He taught me that you have to always be work­ing for it, and nev­er let your act­ing slip for even a sec­ond when you’re danc­ing. He taught me that act­ing was the most impor­tant part of the dance.
‑Korina Lurie

TAP Camp is a won­der­ful place where the staff takes a per­son­al
inter­est in each camper. If there’s some­thing you feel you’re not as
strong in, you’ll prob­a­bly feel much more con­fi­dent after TAP. Scott
Thompson is a won­der­ful direc­tor full of life expe­ri­ence, won­der­ful
sto­ries, and just plain tal­ent! He makes rehearsals fun and effi­cient.
I learned so much from the TAP Camp staff and Scott Thompson last year
and would­n’t trade it for any­thing.
‑Lizzie Guest

Let me begin by say­ing that I can­not dance, or rather, I could not dance until I met the incred­i­ble Scott Thompson. This man lit­er­al­ly changed my life (as is the nature of every fac­ul­ty mem­ber brought into Texas Arts Project). For the three weeks the camp ran, I watched in amaze­ment as he made girls belt and turned boys into strong lead­ing men, includ­ing myself. However, in addi­tion to all of this, he gave me the oppor­tu­ni­ty I had giv­en up hope on ever receiv­ing — he gave me the chance to dance. Until this point I had been told I would nev­er dance, but “no” and “can’t” aren’t in Scott’s vocab­u­lary. This man was the first per­son to tell me I could be every­thing I ever want­ed to be, he took a chance and trust­ed me and now I am pur­su­ing a BFA in Musical Theatre at Millikin University, where I am being cast in musi­cals as a main dancer. Who would have ever known? I guess Scott did! I’ve heard peo­ple jok­ing­ly say, “TAP Camp changes lives,” but it real­ly does. Do your­self a favor and sign up for this amaz­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty.
‑Coy Branscum

From my point of view, he was the best teacher I’ve ever had the plea­sure of work­ing with. Just by the way he taught he made every­one love and learn the the­atre craft. I’ve learned way more about the indus­try in 3 weeks with him than I have any oth­er way. He real­ly pro­vid­ed the stu­dents a great relax­ing envi­ron­ment to learn the craft. He taught dance as though it was act­ing which is hard to find in some chore­o­g­ra­phers. We stu­dents weren’t learn­ing chore­og­ra­phy, but instead we were act­ing out dif­fer­ent emo­tions that just so hap­pened to have syn­chro­nized move­ment to them! I felt that he made every­one feel like they could do any­thing, if they tried hard enough. If they want­ed to be suc­cess­ful, they could do it. He was a firm believ­er in “if you want it, go and get it”. And he made every­one learn­ing from him try their absolute hard­est each chance they got, with no wast­ed rep­e­ti­tion. “Look the tiger in the eye”!!
‑Hayden Warzek