The sum­mer camp for film­mak­ing at TAP is the most immer­sive and com­plete sum­mer pro­gram of its kind in the state of Texas. In just a few short weeks our stu­dents take a sim­ple idea of their own choos­ing and devel­op it into a com­plet­ed film.

Our class­es begin ear­ly in the morn­ing and run well into the evening cov­er­ing all the stages of the cre­ative process. The stu­dents receive guid­ance and cri­tique from the fac­ul­ty at every moment of the day. All stu­dents are required to col­lab­o­rate with their peers in a mul­ti­tude of roles as it is impos­si­ble to take on the elab­o­rate endeav­or that is mak­ing a movie with­out the help of others.

Whether you are join­ing us just for fun or as the begin­ning of your film­mak­ing career, the sum­mer inten­sive pro­gram will leave you with a ful­ly-real­ized short film of your own!


A behind the scenes look at what we do ...



We believe that the best way to become a film­mak­er is by actu­al­ly mak­ing films. With this empha­sis on phys­i­cal cre­ation we require all stu­dents to per­form all key posi­tions that are found on a pro­fes­sion­al film set.

Every stu­dent will write, direct and edit their own per­son­al short film. In order for every film to be a suc­cess we employ ALL film­mak­ing stu­dents on EVERY project. This ensures that every stu­dent will rotate and per­form key crew posi­tions such as Cinematographer, 1st Asst Cameraman, Key Grip, Sound Mixer, Boom Operator, Production Designer and more.



Our program is designed to emulate the professional world on a condensed timeline. We breakdown the three-week program into the three phases of commercial film production: Pre-Production, Production and Post Production. 


All stu­dents are required to ‘pitch’ sto­ry ideas to the fac­ul­ty and their peers. Once the stu­dent has received feed­back on their ini­tial pitch, he/​she will break­down the sto­ry beat by beat with fel­low class­mates ensur­ing all sto­ry ele­ments are clear and interesting.

Students will then take the out­line they have cre­at­ed and put it into pro­fes­sion­al screen­writ­ing soft­ware for fur­ther eval­u­a­tion. After sev­er­al ses­sions of notes, the screen­play will be locked and ready for pre-production.

Hands-on train­ing in cam­era and sound equip­ment will be pro­vid­ed and stu­dents are allowed to ask for spe­cial equip­ment for their project at this time. The fac­ul­ty will do every­thing in their pow­er to pro­vide the stu­dents with spe­cial equip­ment if applic­a­ble to the project at hand.

Collaborators will be assigned to every stu­dent. At this point the stu­dents will rotate their atten­tion from project to project focus­ing on their assigned roles to each pro­duc­tion. Though their main focus will be on the project they pitched, all stu­dents should be ready and will­ing to give focus and ener­gy to their fel­low class­mates’ projects as it relates to their assigned role.

Filmmakers will audi­tion the Acting majors through­out the first week and choose the appro­pri­ate cast for their film.

At the con­clu­sion of this week all stu­dents will have their own project writ­ten, sched­uled, cast and sto­ry­board­ed. They will also be pre­pared to exe­cute their fel­low direc­tors needs when it is their turn to cre­ate a short film.


This is what the entire first week was prepar­ing for: the shoot.

Each stu­dent will show up ready to work in their appro­pri­ate field for that day rang­ing from Cinematographer, Sound Mixer, Boom Operator, Production Designer, 1st Asst Camera, etc. This ensures that every film stu­dent leaves the pro­gram hav­ing been exposed to and respon­si­ble for a major aspect of every sin­gle film.

Acting majors will be golf-cart­ed to set from their nor­mal the­atre rehearsals to act in the stu­dent films. This aspect real­ly sets our pro­gram apart from oth­er film­mak­ing camps. Most film camps require stu­dents to use fel­low film campers in act­ing roles. TAP camp, how­ev­er, offers film stu­dents the abil­i­ty to work with act­ing majors that take their roles seri­ous­ly, lead­ing to a much stronger final prod­uct. Film stu­dents are also allowed to cast any of our col­lege coun­selors who are cur­rent­ly attend­ing University act­ing programs.

At the con­clu­sion of this vig­or­ous week of film­mak­ing we will take one day off com­plete­ly and go have fun at the cin­e­ma to see a few cur­rent and clas­sic films.


The last week is spent in the edit­ing bays where we will put togeth­er the final prod­uct. This is where all the hard work pays off.

Each stu­dent will be assigned their own edit­ing bay and cut their film on Adobe Première’s pro­fes­sion­al edit­ing soft­ware. Upon com­ple­tion of a first cut, the project will be screened for stu­dent and fac­ul­ty feed­back. This process usu­al­ly takes 3 or 4 times for the fac­ul­ty to approve of ‘pic­ture lock.’

Upon approval of pic­ture lock, the stu­dents will then embark on sound design for the film. We pro­vide a library of pro­fes­sion­al sound cues, FX and music sam­ples for the stu­dents to choose from.

Film Screenings

All films are screened on the final day of camp!

On the final Sunday of camp, each of the orig­i­nal films pro­duced will be pre­miered in the main the­ater in front of campers, staff, par­ents, and Austinites.

I had a lot of fun and hon­est­ly feel like a more well-round­ed per­son.… I had a lot of fun at TAP. I was wary as I’d nev­er been to camp before, but I tru­ly gained anoth­er family.”

Aleena Ahmed
Dripping Springs, Texas


Check out some films from previous campers...

This coming-of-age romantic comedy was the 2nd film made by Declan Duggan at TAP 2018.

This satirical 'mockumentary' was the 2nd film made by Logan Mook at TAP 2017. 

This comedy-drama was the first film made by Jordan Gonzales at TAP 2017.

This psychological thriller was the first film made by Sarah Skees at TAP 2015.

This meta comedy made by Spencer Diaz at TAP 2017 was inspired by his 4 years of attending the program.


So, you've already registered...

Now that you’re done reg­is­ter­ing, make sure you look over what you need to pre­pare here.