Beginner/ Intermediate
Junior 2 campers showcase

Junior 1: Beginner - Intermediate: June 21 - June 26

Our Junior 1 Camps are for any young per­son who loves singing, danc­ing and act­ing. There is no expe­ri­ence required and every­one will feel both chal­lenged and suc­cess­ful by the end of camp. Campers learn to put aside their inhi­bi­tions and sing out. They enjoy the expe­ri­ence of learn­ing new dances, as they strength­en coör­di­na­tion, flex­i­bil­i­ty and strength. The act­ing class­es are a com­bi­na­tion of impro­vi­sa­tion­al games and ensem­ble build­ing activ­i­ties. All class­es are designed to enhance skills, with a focus on enjoy­ment. Rehearsals are more struc­tured and goal ori­ent­ed. It is a unique expe­ri­ence as these young artists bond togeth­er in just six short days.
Showcase: June 26, 5 – 5:30pm

Important Dates
Sunday — First Day of Camp
1pm-2pm: Check In
2:15pm‑2:45pm: Parent Orientation
2:45pm-6pm: Camper Orientation/​Placement Auditions
6pm-7pm: Dinner (first meal served)
7pm-9pm: Camper Activity
9:30pm: Lights Out

Friday — Last Day of Camp
5pm‑5:30pm: Final Showcase
5:30 – 6pm: Reception & Check-Out

*NOTE: All campers for TAP Junior, TAP Senior, and TAP Advanced are required to audi­tion at the begin­ning of camp. Auditions are held for many rea­sons. The staff will get the oppor­tu­ni­ty to know all the campers and their strengths and weak­ness­es in all types of per­for­mance. Additionally the staff will be able to make cast­ing deci­sions about the final show­case, place campers in the cor­rect class lev­els, and make sure that all class­es are chal­leng­ing and appro­pri­ate. All campers will par­tic­i­pate in mul­ti­ple sec­tions of the audi­tion. The audi­tion process will be con­duct­ed in a pro­fes­sion­al and encour­ag­ing envi­ron­ment. It will be fun, but we are expect­ing your per­son­al best. Visit Placement Auditions for more information.

So, you've already registered...

Now that you’re done reg­is­ter­ing, make sure you look over what you need to pre­pare here.