Senior Camp Majors

Age: 14 – 18 (Completing Grades 8 – 12)

There are four cours­es of study avail­able for Senior Camp: Musical Theatre, Acting, Filmmaking, Technical Theatre, and Songwriting. There are dif­fer­ent enroll­ment options for each course of study with some requir­ing an appli­ca­tion to reg­is­ter. Classes, sem­i­nars, and prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence pro­vide inten­sive train­ing for young aspir­ing artists. The two and three-week ses­sions con­clude with a final prod­uct to share with friends and family.

NEW IN 2019: Songwriting and Technical Theatre!

This year we are thrilled to announce the a new two-week Songwriting major and a two-week Technical Theatre major!

Songwriting - $2,475: June 10 - June 23

This is a pro­gram ded­i­cat­ed to the craft of song­writ­ing. Students are giv­en new lyri­cal and musi­cal tools and are encour­aged in the prac­ti­cal appli­ca­tion of those tools through song­writ­ing assign­ments cul­mi­nat­ing in record­ing and per­form­ing orig­i­nal songs. 

Technical Theatre - $2,475: June 16 - June 30

In one of the only pro­grams of its kind for young the­atre pro­fes­sion­als, TAP stu­dents will learn the lat­est tech­nolo­gies as they cre­ate set mod­els, light plots and cos­tume ren­der­ings. With equal empha­sis on cre­ative explo­ration and tech­ni­cal skill we work towards the final show­case where the tal­ents of our amaz­ing stu­dents meet real-world expe­ri­ence in the prepa­ra­tion for the final showcase.


Filmmaking - $3,625: June 9 - June 30

*Application with video submission required. See How to Apply for more details.*

A 3‑week com­pre­hen­sive film­mak­ing expe­ri­ence. Campers are guid­ed through the process, tech­niques and enjoy­ment of cre­at­ing films from scratch. Learn the basics, write your own screen­play, rotate through roles on mul­ti­ple shoots, and edit your film. Leave with your own short film for sub­mis­sion into fes­ti­vals, com­pe­ti­tions, and col­lege programs.

ActingMusical Theatre

2. Senior Camp - $3,625: June 9 - June 30

Acting majors are chal­lenged on a dai­ly basis through rig­or­ous class work and a vari­ety of rehearsal meth­ods. Scene study, mono­logue work, impro­vi­sa­tion, act­ing exer­cis­es, script analy­sis, voice and move­ment, and a pro­fes­sion­al-style rehearsal process give campers a wide range of skills and techniques.

Musical Theatre
Musical Theatre at TAP is the most intense pro­gram of its kind in Texas. In three short weeks we cre­ate not only amaz­ing per­form­ers, but com­pe­tent tech­ni­cians well-versed in the lan­guage of their craft. Study voice, dance, and act­ing in dai­ly class­es and rehearsals. Find a safe place to chal­lenge your­self in all areas of musi­cal the­atre. True triple threat train­ing at its best!

Junior Camps

Ages 6 – 13 

Junior Camps focus on singing, act­ing and danc­ing. Structured class­es com­bined with an intense rehearsal process and a lot of fun, make the Junior Camp a won­der­ful expe­ri­ence for the young artist. Broadway style songs and dances are rehearsed and per­formed at the end of the ses­sion. Higher expec­ta­tions and more chal­leng­ing mate­r­i­al make the 2‑week camp a more advanced program.

1. Junior Camp 1 - $1,275: June 23 - 28

Beginning - Intermediate

2. Junior Camp 2  - $2,450: June 9 - June 22

*Application with video submission required. See How to Apply for more details.*
Intermediate - Advanced