Get Ready for College!

Get Ready for College!

Upon the com­ple­tion of my first year of col­lege at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts, I am feel­ing incred­i­bly grate­ful. I would not be where I am today with­out the the­atre edu­ca­tion I received through­out my sum­mers spent at Texas Arts Project.

I start­ed going to Advanced Camp when I was 14 years old, essen­tial­ly prepar­ing for col­lege audi­tions since that age. I have received var­i­ous amounts of mate­r­i­al over the years there, count­less songs and mono­logues for my reper­toire, and it is because of this pro­gram that I went into every audi­tion after with utmost con­fi­dence in prepa­ra­tion and in my mate­r­i­al.

I went on to do senior camp, and it is there when I went from being more of a mover, to con­sid­er­ing myself a dancer. I learned essen­tial skills for pick­ing up dance com­bi­na­tions quick­ly and learn­ing how to act my way through it when I could not pick it up so quick­ly. On top of that, my dance tech­nique devel­oped, and with that knowl­edge I went on to be able to chore­o­graph dance pieces of my own. At TAP is where I was involved in my first ever attempt at screen act­ing, and it is because of that intro­duc­to­ry expe­ri­ence I felt con­fi­dence in film audi­tions and act­ing for the screen.

I hon­est­ly can­not think of a more ben­e­fi­cial pro­gram with teach­ers brought in from all over the coun­try who are tru­ly pas­sion­ate about cul­ti­vat­ing the indi­vid­ual artist. On top of all that, I made friends there that I will have for the rest of life, got involved in Summer Stock Austin, and was exposed to more of the Austin the­atre scene. Now in attend­ing the #4 under­grad­u­ate Drama pro­gram in the coun­try, I must thank TAP camp for help­ing me get here. I rec­om­mend any­one inter­est­ed in the­atre, act­ing in col­lege, or just look­ing to have a great sum­mer reg­is­ter for TAP camp while you still can.” — Korina LurieDSC_6194