General Info

Summer 2022

We hope to be back this sum­mer with our camps for ages 9 – 18. More infor­ma­tion and reg­is­tra­tion will be post­ed soon.

What is TAP Camp?

Days at TAP Boarding Camps for the Performing Arts are chock-full as stu­dents rotate on a tight sched­ule of class­es, activ­i­ties and rehearsals for the final show­case. You’ll nev­er be bored at camp and you’ll love every minute of it. While we enjoy the stan­dard camp fare of marsh­mal­low roast­ing and water bal­loon fights, the real excite­ment comes when stu­dents dis­cov­er the joy of cre­ation and the thrill of suc­cess. Here we strive for excel­lence through an artis­tic pro­gram where stu­dents are active­ly encour­aged to find the place where process meets product.

Texas Arts Project - Senior Camp - Ages 14-18

Outstanding teach­ing, direc­tion, and per­for­mance expe­ri­ences enhance skill, encour­age coöper­a­tive work, and nur­ture self-confidence.

College pro­fes­sors join region­al and nation­al work­ing artists as we strive for excel­lence through an artis­tic pro­gram where stu­dents are active­ly encour­aged to find the place where process meets product.

Camp Philosophy

Accept the Challenge
Texas Arts Project strives to cre­ate the “com­plete artist.” Junior Campers get a taste of singing, act­ing, and danc­ing. Senior Campers choose a “major” field of study, and have oppor­tu­ni­ties to engage in cours­es and activ­i­ties in all oth­er majors. Campers try new things as they strength­en the skills in their com­fort area while expand­ing their hori­zons in all oth­er dis­ci­plines. Individual atten­tion along with high expec­ta­tions for the group, encour­age per­son­al respon­si­bil­i­ty and teamwork.

Discover the Process
The study of any sub­ject begins with the basics and the per­form­ing arts at TAP camp are no dif­fer­ent. Campers active­ly study the nuts and bolts of each field of study — from act­ing tech­niques and musi­cal the­atre his­to­ry to film edit­ing and body con­di­tion­ing. Only through inti­mate aware­ness with our field can we prop­er­ly work towards our great­est potential.

Realize Your Potential
At TAP camp, we nev­er lose sight of the final goal. Showcase rehearsals require campers to inte­grate their tech­nique with strong per­for­mance skills. Film shoots and hours in the edit­ing stu­dio keep our film­mak­ers guid­ed towards the final prod­uct. Our rig­or­ous rehearsal and prepa­ra­tion process ensures a feel­ing of accom­plish­ment and per­son­al suc­cess with each and every camper as they take their final bow or watch their last cred­its roll.

Don't forget to check out...

1. the Packing List
2. Prepare for Placement Auditions
3. Review the FAQs
4. Read Important Dates and Times