Character Analysis Packet for Actors

For every show I direct, each stu­dent is asked to go through a detailed char­ac­ter analy­sis process. I’ve spent the past ten years putting togeth­er this com­pre­hen­sive pack­et. In my expe­ri­ence, a detailed char­ac­ter study is impor­tant in both musi­cals and non-musi­cals. It seems obvi­ous to the­atre edu­ca­tors to delve into char­ac­ter analy­sis for straight plays. I have also found that it can tru­ly change a musi­cal, espe­cial­ly when the ensem­ble takes time to tru­ly devel­op their char­ac­ters. The ensem­ble is eas­i­ly for­got­ten after they have been taught their songs and dances, but they cre­ate the world of the play. The more the ensem­ble under­stands about their char­ac­ters and rela­tion­ships, the more invest­ed they will be in mak­ing them come to life. Feel free to use all or parts of this for your future pro­duc­tions. I hope you find it useful.

Character Analysis
‑Ginger Morris (TAP Camp Director)
Austin, Texas