A TAP Camp Testimony – Hone Your Skills at Texas Arts Project this Summer!

A TAP Camp Testimony – Hone Your Skills at Texas Arts Project this Summer!

At first, I was reluc­tant to even con­sid­er attend­ing a sum­mer pro­gram in-state. My 16-year-old self thought that leav­ing Texas for a few weeks real­ly meant that I was get­ting excel­lent train­ing, but I was so incred­i­bly wrong. TAP Camp is one of the finest sum­mer inten­sives for musi­cal the­atre, act­ing, and film, some­thing very few inten­sives offer col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly.

TAP Camp | The Long Center for the Performing Arts

At TAP, I found a home; a sanc­tu­ary full of oth­er wicked­ly tal­ent­ed young artists all try­ing to bet­ter them­selves. I learned how to trust myself — I learned how to tru­ly be present and in the moment, regard­less of the medi­um I was involved in. TAP camp instills this hunger for knowl­edge and improve­ment in every sin­gle stu­dent — some­thing that you don’t see very often. The young artist’s pur­pose is chal­lenged and strength­ened at this inten­sive, and we tru­ly got a taste of the busi­ness. Everything going on is fast-paced and campers learn to adapt to change quick­ly, a skill use­ful in and out of the the­atre. TAP helped me under­stand myself, what I was capa­ble of, and how quick­ly I can improve if I set my mind to it.

Through TAP, my peers and I gained all the skills nec­es­sary to suc­cess­ful­ly com­plete our Unified Auditions for BFA pro­grams. In fact, one of my favorite days was when we had a “Mock Unified” expe­ri­ence; it tru­ly gave us a taste of what to expect when the actu­al audi­tions came. Through this, I was accept­ed to The Boston Conservatory for a BFA in Musical Theatre, some­thing that would not be pos­si­ble with­out the Texas Arts Project.


TAP Camp does such a thor­ough job of mak­ing sure that each stu­dent is pre­pared for what­ev­er lies ahead of them, and I am so hum­bled to be a part of this expe­ri­ence. TAP Camp is for every­one, the 16-year-old opera singer, the 14-year-old who wants to make films but has nev­er tried, or the expe­ri­enced young actor who wants to strength­en his skills — TAP Camp fos­ters all of these types and helps each of them blos­som.

Overall, the sum­mer of 2015 at Texas Arts Project was the best sum­mer I’ve ever had. I will always remem­ber TAP and all of the lessons I learned there. Thank you TAP Camp, I owe you big time!

-Sarah Cosgrove (Starting Boston Conservatory Fall 2016)